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Hope To See You Again
Content with me.

Your Favorite Work Buddy Kelvin Piazza

Recovery, is really helpful!

I'm offering you my peer support.

Give you hope  Make you feel understood 
Help you feel informed and empowered  

 Encourage your full potential   Guide you in the many pathways to recovery

Identify and build on your strengths    Take a holistic look at your life and identify goals you want to focus on  Support you in obtaining other resources 

On Track with Kelvin Piazza

I help professionals stay employable 

Do you want to be - or stay - in recovery from problematic alcohol or drug use? 


If your answer is yes, working with me, someone who has “been there and done that” can be a big help on your recovery journey. A peer specialist like me can be your favorite work buddy. 


I have lived experience of recovery from problematic substance use and special training to work with people seeking or in recovery.


Recovery is a “process of change” for you to improve your health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to get better. 


You can work with me, a sponsor, and a clinical counselor over the course of your recovery journey. 

Clients &


Nice Meeting Together

CareerGeek Organizational Behavior Management
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